It was night time and there's an ocean at the doorstep. There were big waves. And this is a Store's doorstep I'm talking about. Also, another scene not far from the previous scene, there's some sort of skatepark except no skeboards or skateboarders and we were jumping from the top of these ramps.
The dream of being at a store's doorstep with big waves can represent a sense of turbulence in your waking life that you feel is beyond your control. The ocean can be a symbol of your emotions and the waves indicate that these feelings may be overwhelming at times. Perhaps, you feel overwhelmed by your current responsibilities and need to find ways to handle them better.
The skatepark in your dream may be related to your willingness to take risks and be adventurous. The absence of skateboards or skateboarders may indicate that you are undergoing a creative process, exploring new ideas, and willing to take risks to achieve your goals. Jumping from the top of ramps can indicate a desire to overcome the obstacles in your life and take a leap of faith towards your desired future.
Overall, this dream appears to be signaling a message of willingness to take calculated risks while being mindful of the potential challenges that may accompany them.